Sign the Inclusive Speaking Pledge!
WE BELIEVE IN INCLUSION. We believe that everyone in our audience matters. We believe in building a world where everyone is connected and feels included. We believe technology can empower, assist, and include people from all walks of life. We believe our words, as speaking professionals, can play a part in making this world a better, more inclusive one.
WE BELIEVE IN DIVERSITY. We believe the main purpose of technology and communication is to allow better access to information for everyone. People with disabilities. People with hearing impairments. People who are blind. People who have dyslexia. People with ADHD. People with “special needs”. People whose needs are “regular”, but just happen to be different from ours. Young people, and old people, too.
WE BELIEVE IN IMPACT. We believe in the power of connections. We believe that over a third of the world’s population struggles with communication and access to information, due to disabilities, impairments, or ageing. We believe people are worth designing for. We understand that building a more accessible world can be complicated, but we’re ready to do our part.
WE BELIEVE IN THE PLATFORM. We believe in the power of our message. We believe the Web can bridge even more gaps for people, but only if we care enough to build it in an inclusive way. We believe it’s worth giving it a try, worth giving a damn. We believe you care, too, and that you are willing to try. Because we believe you also give a damn.
WE BELIEVE IN EMPATHY. We believe in the power of raising awareness. We believe every person is worth being cared for and valued. We believe in universal access, but we believe in inclusive design even more. We believe a one-size-fits-ALL mentality tricks organizations into a false sense of security and complacency. We believe in the value of a one-size-fits-ONE approach, where a person’s unique needs and situation are considered.
ABOVE ALL, WE BELIEVE IN YOU. We believe that you care about creating a more inclusive world for everyone. We believe you can do this. We believe that together, we can make a difference. Together, we can empower your audience to truly connect with you and your message.
Together, we can make our audience that is otherwise left out feel like they truly belong.
Together, we can empower our audience to truly connect with us and our message.
Together, we can make our audience that is otherwise left out feel like they truly belong.
Will you join our movement?
By signing this pledge, I commit to doing as much as I possibly can moving forward to become a more inclusive speaking or communication professional.
Did you know?
In 2021, an average of eleven lawsuits were filed every day in U.S. courts over website inaccessibility, and 412 of the top 500 internet retailers (more than 82%) have been party to at least one lawsuit over the last four years alleging that their websites discriminate against users with disabilities. Was your organization targeted by such a lawsuit, or do you happen to know of one that was?