How inclusive do you think you are as a speaking professional?
Take the free inclusive professional speaking test to find out!
As speaking and communication professionals, we pride ourselves on having mastered the ability to engage the masses and change the lives of many with our thoughts and ideas. But just how inclusive are you really, when it comes to touching the hearts and minds of over 40% of your audience that has disabilities, are older, and are somehow marginalized by our use of technology?
Each test provides you with a random set of questions, so no two tests are ever the same! Answer the following questions as honestly as you can, and set forth on a path to discover just how inclusive you truly are as a speaking professional.
Spoiler alert, you might be surprised.
Where will your answers put you on the Inclusive Speaking spectrum?
Did you know?
Combined, working-age adults with disabilities and those over the age of 65 make up for about 40% of the entire population, meaning that more than a third of our fellow citizens fall in either category. Despite appearances, this underserved market is NOT a minority. Catering to their needs and expectations can only result in increased revenue growth for your business. Wouldn't you agree this a market worth tapping into?