Category Inclusive Speaking Questions
Shared on Instagram and archived here, this section shares a series of questions you can ask yourself to identify gaps in your strategy and delivery, so you can become a truly inclusive communication professional.

“Do I systematically follow through with what has been announced or promised, so my audience is clear on expectations?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #127

“Do I systematically go out of my way to set clear expectations for my audience, and be consistent in my instructions?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #126

“Do I systematically make sure everyone understands the expectations, before asking the audience to take any sort of action?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #125

“Do I systematically make sure sufficient instructions have been clearly provided before asking the audience to take any sort of action?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #124

“Do I systematically avoid idioms, figures of speech, or complex metaphors when simpler options are available?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #122

“Do I systematically make it easier for the audience to understand information shared by using plain language?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #121

“Do I systematically avoid bright contrasting colour combinations when laying out information on slides, handouts, or other documents?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #120

“Do I systematically prefer simple, non-triggering colours when laying out information on slides, handouts, or other documents?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #119

“Do I systematically avoid surprising my audience members with totally unexpected or unforeseen requests?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #118

“Do I systematically avoid making my audience members feel uneasy or uncomfortable by surprising them with confusing instructions?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #117

“Do I systematically remind myself that after a while, audience members will be craving for opportunities to get their blood flowing?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #116

“Do I systematically keep in mind that the audience can’t be expected to just sit still for extended periods of time and remain engaged?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #115

“Do I systematically avoid sticking to a single delivery mechanism or strategy when sharing my message, so everyone is not forced into the exact same way of learning?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #114

“Do I systematically diversify the ways in which I deliver my content, so audience members are not forced into a passive state where all they are offered is lectures?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #113

“Do I systematically make sure to control as many external distractions as I possibly can, so they don’t steal my audience’s attention away from me and my message?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #112

“Do I systematically account for audience members to be unable to successfully read the information on my slides while simultaneously paying attention to what I am saying?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #111

“Do I systematically help audience members adequately prepare for planned transitions, by providing reminders about what is expected to come next?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #110

“Do I systematically help audience members adequately prepare for planned transitions, by providing ample advance notice?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #109

“Do I systematically introduce opportunities for physical interactions that will get the audience’s blood flowing?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #108

“Do I systematically offer my audience members permission to physically move, walk around the room or even step away if they feel the need?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #107

“Do I systematically provide my audience members with ample opportunities to take breaks during workshops and extended sessions?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #106

“Do I systematically provide audience members with opportunities to re-energize as needed?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #105

“Do I systematically stimulate engagement and participation by planning for workshop activities that give everyone in the audience a chance to actively take part?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #104

“Do I systematically adopt a participant-centered approach, where the audience gets to experience things first-hand?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #103

“Do I systematically adopt a participant-centered approach by providing multiple hands-on learning opportunities?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #102

“Do I systematically minimize all external stimulations that could get in the way of learning for my audience?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #101

“Do I systematically shield audience members who can easily be distracted from potential unwanted distractions?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #100

“Do I systematically avoid turning my back to the audience, as some people in the audience require a clear line of sight to my face and upper body in order to better understand me?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #099

“Do I systematically send my materials to interpreters and captioners in advance, when such services are provided, so they can research and practice unfamiliar terms?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #098

“Do I systematically provide a readily-available list of complex terms, technical words and unusual expressions, intended to help sign language interpreters efficiently follow along?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #097