Category Inclusive Speaking Questions
Shared on Instagram and archived here, this section shares a series of questions you can ask yourself to identify gaps in your strategy and delivery, so you can become a truly inclusive communication professional.

“Do I systematically provide audience members with clear and obvious ways to opt-out from screen movements or animations that can be potentially triggering?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #066

“Do I systematically offer audience members with means to turn off any potentially triggering animations associated with interactive calls to action?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #065

“Do I systematically provide large, static calls to action for audience members to interact with?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #064

“Do I systematically keep screen animations and other scrolling effects to a minimum in order to protect audience members who are more susceptible to motion sickness triggers?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #063

“Do I systematically ensure that any blinking, flashing and other strobing effects never occur more than 2-3 times per second to avoid risks of photo-epileptic seizures?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #062

“Do I systematically share what the results of interactions are when I poll my audience, or ask questions such as ‘by a show of hands…’?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #061

“Do I systematically plan for alternative accessible formats, when I rely on printed materials during workshops, activities and other types of audience interactions?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #060

“Do I systematically rehash sight gags even when it feels awkward, so some of my audience members don’t have to feel bad when everybody else laughs and they don’t understand why?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #059

“Do I systematically avoid saying things like “as the graph shows”, or “as you can see here”… because I recognize that not everyone in my audience might be able to?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #058

“Do I systematically avoid making any kind of assumptions about what it is that my audience members can actually see or perceive?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #057

“Do I systematically make sure audience members are first provided with appropriate context, before I show a video with information happening solely on the visual track?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #056

“Do I systematically read all relevant text aloud when providing guidelines or instructions in preparation for an activity that will require the audience members’ participation?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #055

“Do I systematically take a moment, at the start of the presentation or event, to verbally describe the room layout and location of emergency exits, food/beverages, and restrooms?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #054

“Do I systematically avoid relying on imagery alone to create an atmosphere, unless the visual asset used is purely decorative in nature?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #053

“Do I systematically offer a digital copy of my materials in PPT or PDF, so audience members can consume them while leveraging their own accessibility settings?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #052

“Do I systematically consider offering a digital copy of my materials in PPT or PDF, so audience members can more efficiently follow along on their own devices?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #051

“Do I systematically describe the outcomes of room interactions when interacting with the audience and getting their feedback?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #050

“Do I systematically plan alternate downloadable formats, such as accessible PDF versions of my handouts or charts, when preparing takeaway materials and collaterals?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #049

“Do I systematically cover all of the information that is presented on my slides, so the audience is not left with the responsibility of filling the blanks on their own?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #048

“Do I systematically adopt a ‘podcast’ mindset when presenting key data points from my slides or handouts – as if my audience could only listen to, not see, my explanation or story?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #047

“Do I systematically provide alternative, audio description tracks for my videos, so that audience members who only rely on hearing can still fully understand them?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #046

“Do I systematically describe visual assets presented on my slides, instead of just pointing or referring to them verbally?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #045

“Do I systematically avoid using ambiguous words like ‘this’, ‘that’ or ‘here’, which presuppose that people can clearly see what it is that I’m referring to?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #044

“Do I systematically keep in mind that poor lighting conditions can affect how audience members will experience my content?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #043

“Do I systematically keep in mind that poor lighting conditions can impair the audience’s ability to perceive various combinations of colours?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #042

“Do I systematically steer clear of information positioned on top of cluttered or busy background images, if that background makes the text harder to perceive due to poor contrast?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #041

“Do I systematically assume that some audience members will be unable to differentiate between objects based on colours, when presented in close proximity?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #040

“Do I systematically avoid subtle colour combinations, such as light grey text on a white background, that will make content harder to read in poor lighting conditions?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #039

“Do I systematically avoid using colours as the only means to convey information in my printed or digital assets?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #038

“Do I systematically go beyond colours to also employ text, positioning and hierarchy to create dynamic content that will work better for all of my audience?”
More details about IPS Self-Assessment #037