Food For Thought #091
“A speaking event should empower everyone in the room, regardless of their background or ability. Inclusion isn’t a one-off act; it’s a commitment to makingRead more about Food For Thought #091
“A speaking event should empower everyone in the room, regardless of their background or ability. Inclusion isn’t a one-off act; it’s a commitment to makingRead more about Food For Thought #091
“The speaking industry has the power to break down stereotypes. When you spotlight underrepresented voices, you’re challenging the status quo and promoting understanding – oneRead more about Food For Thought #090
“When your audience is diverse, your thinking becomes diverse. And diversity of thought is the key to breaking free from the limitations we set forRead more about Food For Thought #089
“Don’t underestimate the power of a diverse lineup of speakers. Audiences are more engaged when they see and hear from a variety of people whoRead more about Food For Thought #088
“Inclusion isn’t just a buzzword, it’s an essential ingredient for innovation. When you welcome diverse perspectives, you’re not just being kind. You’re investing in newRead more about Food For Thought #087
“Ignoring diversity and inclusion is risky business. Aside from missing out on talent and market share, companies expose themselves to legal risks and damaging theirRead more about Food For Thought #086
“Inclusive work environments do more than make employees happy; they lead to higher productivity, better quality of work, and increased innovation. It’s a long-term strategyRead more about Food For Thought #085
“A diverse workforce isn’t just window dressing; it’s a competitive advantage. Different perspectives and experiences improve problem-solving capabilities and pave the way for innovative solutions.”Read more about Food For Thought #084
“Inclusive companies are talent magnets. They don’t just open their doors wider; they attract a variety of skills and perspectives that keep them ahead inRead more about Food For Thought #083
“Disability inclusion is not a nice-to-have; it’s a must. The rise of socially conscious consumers and employees who demand inclusivity makes it good for bothRead more about Food For Thought #082
“What if the biggest loss of potential revenue for your business came, not from those who don’t like your brand, but from the 40% ofRead more about Food For Thought #081
“Research shows that accessible websites have better user experiences overall, as they tend to be easier to use and navigate. This leads to increased engagementRead more about Food For Thought #080
“The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that all public accommodations be accessible to people with disabilities. This means that if your website is not,Read more about Food For Thought #079
“Research from WebAIM shows that over 97% of the top one million websites out there are not fully accessible to people with disabilities. That meansRead more about Food For Thought #078
“Not all websites are created equal. I’m talking about how usable and downright accessible those websites turn out to be for the end users outRead more about Food For Thought #077
“Discrimination in any form – whether it’s overt acts or subtle microaggressions – poses a significant, negative impact on the morale and the potential contributionsRead more about Food For Thought #076
“Combatting the pervasive cycle of stigma requires professionals to be proactive, to challenge deeply ingrained negative attitudes and stereotypes, and to cultivate a culture thatRead more about Food For Thought #075
“Stigma isn’t just about overt discrimination; it can range from subtle microaggressions to glaring prejudices, contributing to an environment where people with disabilities consistently feelRead more about Food For Thought #074