Food For Thought #037
“If you believe inclusive communication is an expensive endeavor, you should definitely look at the impact that excluding parts of your audience can have onRead more about Food For Thought #037
“If you believe inclusive communication is an expensive endeavor, you should definitely look at the impact that excluding parts of your audience can have onRead more about Food For Thought #037
“You should always go out of your way to avoid using the words “edge case” when referring to some of your audience members, as thatRead more about Food For Thought #036
“What we need to do is design our content and shape its delivery to the audience members who live on the extremes of the bellRead more about Food For Thought #035
“Adopting an inclusive approach to your content delivery shouldn’t make you exceptional, but questioning what you think you understand about your audience’s needs absolutely does.”Read more about Food For Thought #034
“All roads can potentially lead to Fadeout Town. Your job is to make sure that as many people in your audience as possible never makeRead more about Food For Thought #033
“It’s in your best interest to recognize that any approach to diversity, equity and inclusion that fails to loop in disability and ageing are inherentlyRead more about Food For Thought #032
“It’s our responsibility to make sure that the experiences we create do not disable our audience members, but rather enable them — regardless of whetherRead more about Food For Thought #031
“As you share your core message with your audience, there’s a myriad of barriers that can get in your way as a speaker or communicator,Read more about Food For Thought #030
“Out of all those audience members who end up fading out on you, how many could have been your next network opportunity, your next ravingRead more about Food For Thought #029
“One of the most common mistakes for communicators is to assume that what they feel works best in terms of content delivery strategies will alsoRead more about Food For Thought #028
“When we fail to recognize and embrace the diversity that exists in our audience, what happens to audience members that feel, vibrate and respond toRead more about Food For Thought #027
“Audience members with disabilities experience constant feelings of frustration and resentment because of the way we communicate our ideas, or how we convey our message.”Read more about Food For Thought #026
“As communicators, we already know our message can change lives, but most of us aren’t aware of how many more lives we could impact, ifRead more about Food For Thought #025
“Audience members who don’t perfectly fit the mold of the average audience member are, by far, the largest minority group you can find attending yourRead more about Food For Thought #024
“If we’re not addressing the diverse needs and expectations of everyone in the room, then we’re only appealing to the needs and preferences of aRead more about Food For Thought #023
“Inclusive communication is about creating and delivering content in a way that allows your audience to feel. Feel like they belong. Like they matter. LikeRead more about Food For Thought #022
“When it comes to communication and diversity, I’ve discovered through my research that as speakers, we all sit somewhere on a spectrum for inclusion. WhereRead more about Food For Thought #021
“In my experience talking with audience members who have disabilities, feeling left out is oftentimes the number one reason why speakers don’t get referrals forRead more about Food For Thought #020