IPS Self-Assessment #036
“Do I systematically go beyond colours to also employ animations to create dynamic content that will work better for all of my audience?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #036
“Do I systematically go beyond colours to also employ animations to create dynamic content that will work better for all of my audience?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #036
“Do I systematically go beyond colours to also employ patterns and shapes to create dynamic content that will work better for all of my audience?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #035
“Do I systematically identify any potential information loss related to colour combinations used in my printed or digital content by running it through a grayscaleRead more about IPS Self-Assessment #034
“Do I systematically consider using dark background colours to host light foreground content, so the dark colours can create an improved negative space for theRead more about IPS Self-Assessment #033
“Do I systematically identify any potential information loss related to insufficient contrast in my printed or digital content by running it through a grayscale filter?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #032
“Do I systematically append a solid or semi-solid background colour or drop shadow to text, so it stands out better against its background?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #031
“Do I systematically enhance the opacity of my written content, so it stands out better against its background?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #030
“Do I systematically use colour combinations that go beyond recommended contrast ratios, as colours never look as clear on the projector as they do onRead more about IPS Self-Assessment #029
“Do I systematically make adjacent objects stand out better against one another by combining use of colours with textures and patterns?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #028
“Do I systematically emphasize contrast between adjacent objects in my printed and digital assets?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #027
“Do I systematically make sure colours used for meaningful graphics and icons in my printed and digital content are sufficiently contrasted against their respective backgrounds?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #026
“Do I systematically make sure colours used for meaningful text in my printed and digital content are sufficiently contrasted against their respective backgrounds?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #025
“Do I systematically ensure any Information only conveyed through colour in my printed and digital content is also supported through text, visual cues and/or otherRead more about IPS Self-Assessment #024
“Do I systematically avoid the use of uppercase formatting that adds significant undue cognitive burden to information processing?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #023
“Do I systematically stick to lowercase or sentence case text formatting whenever possible?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #022
“Do I systematically avoid underlines and italic styles that impact my audience members’ ability to read content efficiently?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #021
“Do I systematically avoid underlines and italic styles that make letters and words run together and cause crowding?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #020
“Do I systematically stay away from complex, condensed or cursive fonts that will be harder for my audience to interpret and read from a distance?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #019