Interview with Kristin Light
As a vivacious showgirl and co-founder of two successful companies, Kristin Light was perhaps the last person you’d expect to be suffering with a diagnosed…Read more about Interview with Kristin Light
As a vivacious showgirl and co-founder of two successful companies, Kristin Light was perhaps the last person you’d expect to be suffering with a diagnosed mental disorder. But following a brush with suicide that left her confined to a psychiatric ward, she now speaks out to provide real insight and practical strategies that demystify the facts surrounding mental illness and neurodiversity including inspirational (and often hilarious) stories from her own personal and professional life.
As a vivacious showgirl and co-founder of two successful companies, Kristin Light was perhaps the last person you’d expect to be suffering with a diagnosed…Read more about Interview with Kristin Light
Albert is an accessibility leader with seasoned knowledge about the psychology of human behaviour and a love for accessibility, inclusive design, and human-centered design. Albert’s…Read more about Interview with Albert Kim