IPS Self-Assessment #054
“Do I systematically take a moment, at the start of the presentation or event, to verbally describe the room layout and location of emergency exits,Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #054
“Do I systematically take a moment, at the start of the presentation or event, to verbally describe the room layout and location of emergency exits,Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #054
“Do I systematically avoid relying on imagery alone to create an atmosphere, unless the visual asset used is purely decorative in nature?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #053
“Do I systematically offer a digital copy of my materials in PPT or PDF, so audience members can consume them while leveraging their own accessibilityRead more about IPS Self-Assessment #052
“Do I systematically consider offering a digital copy of my materials in PPT or PDF, so audience members can more efficiently follow along on theirRead more about IPS Self-Assessment #051
“Do I systematically describe the outcomes of room interactions when interacting with the audience and getting their feedback?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #050
“Do I systematically plan alternate downloadable formats, such as accessible PDF versions of my handouts or charts, when preparing takeaway materials and collaterals?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #049
“Do I systematically cover all of the information that is presented on my slides, so the audience is not left with the responsibility of fillingRead more about IPS Self-Assessment #048
“Do I systematically adopt a ‘podcast’ mindset when presenting key data points from my slides or handouts – as if my audience could only listenRead more about IPS Self-Assessment #047
“Do I systematically provide alternative, audio description tracks for my videos, so that audience members who only rely on hearing can still fully understand them?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #046
“Do I systematically describe visual assets presented on my slides, instead of just pointing or referring to them verbally?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #045
“Do I systematically avoid using ambiguous words like ‘this’, ‘that’ or ‘here’, which presuppose that people can clearly see what it is that I’m referringRead more about IPS Self-Assessment #044
“Do I systematically keep in mind that poor lighting conditions can affect how audience members will experience my content?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #043
“Do I systematically keep in mind that poor lighting conditions can impair the audience’s ability to perceive various combinations of colours?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #042
“Do I systematically steer clear of information positioned on top of cluttered or busy background images, if that background makes the text harder to perceiveRead more about IPS Self-Assessment #041
“Do I systematically assume that some audience members will be unable to differentiate between objects based on colours, when presented in close proximity?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #040
“Do I systematically avoid subtle colour combinations, such as light grey text on a white background, that will make content harder to read in poorRead more about IPS Self-Assessment #039
“Do I systematically avoid using colours as the only means to convey information in my printed or digital assets?”Read more about IPS Self-Assessment #038
“Do I systematically go beyond colours to also employ text, positioning and hierarchy to create dynamic content that will work better for all of myRead more about IPS Self-Assessment #037